It's hard not to be ambivalent when the whole world looks like it's about to get flushed.
Oh hey. Music.
Joined on 3/30/09
It's hard not to be ambivalent when the whole world looks like it's about to get flushed.
Yeah. Now we know where raiders come from... when you don't feel anything, the least you can do is feel the pull of the trigger... bleh
Pardon l:?
Nothing ._. I'm crazy... hey, is this conversational German?
no :l not at all :l. lol
Pig German? If so, it was a helluva facsimile.
Shad is (was) Swiss, I told you I met him, right? Like the great n powerful Oz....
I heard no german lol if anything I'd guess spanish or something else that's more latin-derivative
Yup :l.
You hear about Brandon's new job?
Yup :l much props
Terrible pay. And he's got a haul just to get there |: Who knows, maybe he'll run into some good tippers this summer. Just got back form the mall. Needed a beer just to deal with all the foreigners and kids running around |: Talked to a few cashiers, just to get the lay of the land... which is sinking fast.
Eh l:
Huh, my last comment was #88... this post sure ain't hit 88 mph.
"Spill your thoughts:"
Job hunting :l.
The job scene changed a lot after 9/11, we became disposable serfs
eh :l
Is it me, or are your communications becoming more and more terse?
probably a little of both l: been trying to fix my sleep schedule and such
Hard to wake up, when there's nothing to wake up to, sometimes... Getting sun during the day sure helps a shit load, gotta get D the real way. So what's happening tomorrow, any mini-goals?
Still on the job hunt, burns healing nicely, fuck this weather though I can't stand the heat
I've got a red letter date :| A federal census taker was here today and left her card in the screen door.... never heard her knock or pull in! Now she's coming back Saturday, with areal photographs |: Don't like the sound of that.....
Eh, what's to fear, think she's gonna show up with photoshopped aerial images showing that missile silo you've got in your field :l? lol
* aerial probably a fucking drone, but I knew something was up, from the post card junk mail from an airplane photographer a few days ago FfFFFfF...
Anyway, I guess the census/survey went okay (she showed me a satellite pic, not an aerial one), they're not supposed to share the details with any other fedstatelocal authorities... the two other big fields near me are fallow, think the state or county bought them as farmland preservation, kind of a contradiction if you ask me.
You know Obama's trying to ruin the US to remake it into a socialist's dream state, that's got a lot of ppl down, not to mention the planet sees our worldcops out on a permanent coffee break.... no wonder we're getting fat, lazy, and crazy
I honestly believe that the president is a lot less powerful than people tend to assume, while there's other shit going on in our broken two party system, and our relic of an electoral college that doesn't properly represent the populations' votes anymore with all the crookedly placed districts and such that represent the votes of cattle in order to boost the average within certain states.
All that aside, I'm of the belief that nobody actually understands 100% of what the fuck's going on with our economy and government, and that either side of the small amount that our system allows us to change will make a (more or less) equal mistake eventually.
Better a coffee break than casualties over oil in my honest opinion. Though if that's your belief I wouldn't worry for long as there will certainly be a large-scale war of some sort soon, at which point there will likely be a draft where CO isn't viable in the eyes of the government (and call it a hunch but I believe it'll happen under a conservative administration, at which point it will be my generation's turn to die for the petty quarrels of old men, such is american tradition, but that's just my two cents)
Got sunburned? Yeah, I had a little yesterday and likely today again, gotta git them plants in and cozy, and set up deer countermeasures |: Doesn't hurt, over the age of 25, your risk of future skin cancer from exposure is a lot less, which begs the question why girlies under age 25 get nuked for looks....
:| Actually it was an infrared picture, which can tell what's planted where by color spectrum, tress and common weeds were black, spooky looking.
The President is the 'ram rod' of public policy, perverted as it is. Like Nero acting like a swine, because his ppl were... or wait that was Caligula maybe. Hate to spam, but when a Pres elects a cabinet and is responsible for anointing Fed chair members, he's more than just a rubber stamp, but an obligatory slave to certain factions within the government, unelected and otherwise.
Can't find it, but the best article showed that the richest are mostly liberals/socialists, and that's why our delicately balanced system is very upset. The whole playing field is so obviously rigged, for all the world to see, we cannot hope to stand, not as liars and manipulators.
Yup, second degree shit, entire arms were completely blistered over, amalgamated into one giant blister on each arm lol
The question begs for a simple answer: Just for looks lol
Fascinating l:
All politicians are liars, it comes with the trade. I'd beg to differ
Liberals are the richest? I may be a bit skeptical but that sounds like propaganda to me, here's just a few exit poll sources that suggest the majority of the wealth is supporting the flipside of the coin. I'd have posted sources from fox news just to get the whole spectrum in the source sampling to eliminate bias but from what my searches turned up there were none, so I assume this will suffice.
You're probably correct about war, that's why the draconian laws about guns and freedom; we'd never stand a draft for a gov't that doesn't represent it's people, but purely it's interests. Nah, it wouldn't take a conservative to go to war, or create one here... either way, the deck is stacked against us, and the planet too. That thin veneer of civilization can be wiped clean by blank screens and empty tummys, all too easy, young Skywalker.
Night man, no worries, enjoy the happy moments when you can.
It wouldn't take one but I certainly don't think it would help lol
'Morning man.
ay :l wheres dat new music you've been slacking off on :l
oh it's somewhere :l not on my computer of course :l.
:l lame :l
Like the llamas l:
Happy centennial comment, to me |:
Yeah so I'm gonna be a prick and not read them. Any good graduation parties? Had a doosey next door, in the garage I met you in O_o Kid was mixing drinks in a blender, right next to where I used to camp for the internet. Scared the fudge out of 2 of them... I shot into a log while they were investigating the raccoon noise......
Been on regular deer patrol, got a nice (kinda small) crop coming in, but slow.... it's been rather cool for summer |:
errybody I know around here's already graduated, plenty of hanging around though
I've got new kidneys! I don't like the color! Just stay calm! Just one question! Do you have any idea how to fly this thing?