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Joined on 3/30/09

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"Sad we are wasting resources on people who have no loyalty and have contributed nothing to this country when we have so many poor that could surely use the resources and love this country. I would also like to bring up the fact that me and my family will be traveling 800 miles this 4th of July weekend in a car because it is to expensive for a family of 4 to fly but my taxes will be used to fly illegals all over the damn country. I am about at my breaking point and sick of this nonsense!"


Hmm l: America

Big business and the Democrats have big things to gain from refugees: a better pick of cheap labor, and guaranteed votes. Follow the money, it's as simple as that.

To each their own

llamas are magnificent creatures! D:< dont you dare ever insult a llama!!

lame-o llama :l lol

You'll regret that -_- YOU'LL REGRET ALL OF IT!! OnO


Yeah... but I like guns. Democrats don't like guns. Bang.

Don't like guns :l? More like don't like no background checks on people who want automatic assault rifles with 30 round magazines (full of ammunition designed to kill, 5.56mm NATO STANAG isn't recognized for wounding capability, but rather lethality rates compared to other grades of ammunition that preceded it) so they don't chew up school children to the point where they can only be identified by dental records lol guns are fine, nuts with guns are a whole 'nother story, NRA is just opposed to proper background checks because that hurts the industry; crazies are crazy but they have wallets just like the rest of america-- And you say you're opposed to big business lol

Oh ok that's cool

No it's warm l:

The NRA doesn't mind background checks, or the prohibition of automatic weapons (which they have been for a while). But you're right, guns are big business, and we're the number one seller of 'em. I'm just opposed to using a bow and arrow or a club on critters. People are going to do stupid things, with or without a gun, because they know it's wrong, and they'll do it anyway. At least there aren't lots of bombers around, lately just those imported loons up in Boston.

It's just a fact of life the percentage of the population is going to do stupid things; Handing them automatic rifles isn't the greatest idea though in my opinion.

If everyone had guns, and carried them around, not saying they should be fully automatic, nor am i saying everyone should have them. however, i'll rephrase: if MOST people had guns, and carried them around, i believe there would be less shootings, and if there was a shooting, you know that 3/4 of the people around you will most likely be carrying a gun, and hopefully would stop the originator, now thats just how i think, and maybe its a good thing im not a government official. oh well.

Really :l? Remember the wild west? Everyone had guns and it caused MORE violence lol lawmen had to start taking guns from people when they came into town because everyone having 5 bullets primed and ready to go on their hip in a well-machined colt revolver made for violent shootings and more chaos, i.e. more senseless death because when everyone is shooting, it's a whole lot harder to identify who the 'bad guy' is. Hopefully is the key word in your argument; It assumes that every american is 100% perceptive and aware of their surroundings (in an age where we cross the street staring at screens we carry around in our pocket) ask people who witnessed the Aurora massacre, most of them agree that if all of them had guns, it would have just made the whole situation more complicated and harder to identify the origin of the shooting, again, probably leading to some 'gunslinger' shooting a bunch of innocent americans who were just 'carrying their gun to prevent crime' out of sheer confusion. The old west came to an end for a reason, everyone walking around with a gun didn't end for the best lol it's our duty as civilized humans to try and not repeat the mistakes of the past, especially when they're blatantly staring us in the face like that.
That's just my two cents from observing our history and talking to people who gun nuts suggest carry guns-- Let me cite another example, it's a popular belief that teachers should be permitted to carry handguns so sandy hook won't happen again (The classic guns will stop guns argument) here's the thing, I knew a man who was a military veteran (currently teacher) who knows full well that a man with an assault rifle and the element of surprise has a pretty big edge on a teacher with a handgun while he's in the middle of class. And who's to say all teachers should be carrying handguns-- mental breakdowns and rage aren't uncommon in the field (half joking). Coming back around full circle, everyone having guns assumes they can react to a life or death situation immediately without hesitation, confusion, and execute proper aim, I highly doubt half the population can deal with that, so try and imagine our country where the entire population is armed lol the scenario of "everyone has guns -> everyone shoots the origin of a shooting" might work out in some scenarios but I'm convinced, for all the reasons above, that there would be a clear net increase in the senseless deaths of innocents from bad aim/confusion/bloodlust

1. History dictates otherwise
2. Perform an experiment consisting of random people off the street where they're put into a life or death situation with a large amount of people, in which scenario everyone is armed, undoubtedly more people will shoot innocents, not even draw their gun, or have shitty aim and shoot innocents on accident (with a real gun an accident is still a death)
3. "Everyone has guns -> nobody is violent" assumes we're all reasonable human beings who can, again, deal with a life and death scenario while demonstrating excellent perception and aim, without being confused or accidentally hitting innocents, that's simply not the case.
4. If a guy comes up with a gun in his pocket, cocked and ready, with a mind to murder you, you're already done-- can't draw your pistol, cock it or turn the safety off (whichever carry you execute on a daily basis) and defend yourself in the time it takes him to pull the trigger lol
5. You know as well as I, people are idiots. That's the biggest problem with your argument

Here's some reading material for you, keep in mind this is from a world of revolvers, and a smaller population; Imagine the death toll in our world with semi-automatic 9x19mm parabellum handguns and 5.56x45mm NATO fully automatic STANAG assault rifles

Guns aren't the problem, idiots are-- Same reason the drinking age is 21, you feel me?

Americans sure like to do stupid things alright, seems to happen every election, every drive time commute, every time we get hungry, or take pills to deal with the stupid...

If you don't mind living in NYC, the UN has a job https://inspira.un.org/psc/UNCAREERS/EMPLOYEE/HRMS/c/UN_CUSTOMIZATIONS.UN_JOB_DETAIL.GBL?Page=UN_JOB_DETAIL&Action=A&JobOpeningId=34627& What do they know that we don't know?

Stupid things aren't limited to Americans. It's the group mentality of humans to be selfish and animalistic in nature

And guns tend to settle any animal argument, should it be forcing it's way through my door |:
"It's comin' right for us!" Trapped and lightly shotgunned a groundhog and a raccoon in two days, had to bury the coon - they just pulled the dumpster.

Speaking of animals forcing their way through doors, you ever see that footage of a wounded buck crashing through a bar for a good 30-40 seconds before running back out the door :l? lol

While it was opened or closed? All animals know the perverse joy of rotten fruit... seeing that video from the Serengeti on Disney back in the day was fun. I'll look it up. I was outside from 5-7 and I'm still properly soaked, hat was soaked in 15-20 minutes :p Got tired of feeding sweat droplets to the kittens, gave them some vitamin treats.. poor things shook when they realised it's what they need.

It was open, the few people in there hopped over the bar to avoid getting charged by the deer :l.

Hoofed wild animals are interesting critters, especially when hungry, horny or trapped... almost ran two of them into traffic. Morning traffic is also capricious and hard to gauge (can't hear the cars coming soon enough, unless I'm within 40-50 feet of the road.) Still fucking miserable outside.... I don't think we got any hail last night.

Indeed l: lots of them going around over here

You make a very good argument, but hey :l this world can do with less people anyways. Population control at its finest! :D but no really, i say yes, background check, looney test em, i guess we are already doing that. However, nobody wants guns anymore. Leave the guns to the police officers who shoot a pitbull because he was scared of the damn thing. great thinking guys.Im just saying, its a thought if people actually cared more about their freedoms being taken away, breaking every damn thing our forefathers fought for, instead of sports; we would have a much happier populace. ALl the patriots in this world are taken as redneck scum, which sometimes is true. I just want to see the United States be a good country again. I love living here in the US, but its just going down the shitter. It's a great p[lace to live luxury wise.

That's the real thing that needs to be enforced, background checks and a psychiatric workup, for those who want to purchase assault rifles; won't stop all the shooting but it'll sure as hell make it hard for something like columbine to happen where some dipshit kids decide to buy military grade shit from some other dipshit kid. I'm aware of the stereotype and (from what I've seen) most of the infamous shootings are not perpetrated by rednecks, i.e. columbine, VT, aurora, sandy hook, etc; the culprits there are privileged 'non-redneck scum' people.

Some of those kids were taking psychiatric drugs, had a divorced family, problems at school, but it usually takes one or more of those problems to set someone off. Despite all the money that goes into 'education', there's really no social infrastructure to prevent these kinds of things happening, like there used to be, or so it would seem. Let's face it, there's a lot more feral humans coming into the world, and from all different levels of wealth... it's just bad or absent parenting, no spirituality/moral center.

This new feed shit is asswhack

Oh look, there's a red machine, I'll go outside.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ci7lssNMRI
Tom's electric eye certainly is quite encompassing

The new feed thing got even more asswhack overnight..... you just had to jinx it, didn''t you?

Broken email validation, there's no real link in the email from newgrounds lol

You got an email from NG? Weird, just checked email earlier today, I got nietz
Oh well, I'd rather be part of a broken something, than a perfectly working nightmare (FB YT etc)

Man this feed system is an abomination lol

How many gizmos do we need? But then again, we came here when it was all unautomated, made the experience something you had to work for. Eh, it's seems to have settled down - no extraneous whoopdedo on the feed-o-dometer, other than direct comms

Oh well, made a new friend at McD's... kinda glad all the good restaurants closed at 10pm, this one time. I kept seeing this Bugatti kit car recently, and the owner's friend was out having a smoke (I don't care for drive thru service), and he struck up a conversation. And since the kid next door is potted/stoned/doomsdayed, I'll hire this older guy I met next month, to help pick cherry tomatoes... and I'll work opposite him, gaining knowledge. Nice to know Murica's old wheels still turn.

The feed is so clunky it hurts my eyes lol

Cherry tomatoes eh? You got a lot of em growing?

Eh, looks like a Win 8 version of the old feed, like those funny scissors in 1st grade they had, to fuck up left handed kids into conforming

Yeah a shit ton, 50 plants, and we missed the last few storms, even tried to shower before the last one hit.. you lost power too I heard, it was quite unexpected. Now my cousin has to show up with 100 zucchini, the fucking what, bleech. Ain't got time sis showing up tomorrow


Guess there's always busking, tonight would've been a good time for it. The problem is, everywhere around here, it's either too upscale or too dangerous to try.

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