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http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J57LQ1OrVfs dont worry im on topic *thumbs up*

the hell lol

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yy318EfvbCM oopsie daisy wrong one

crazy shit :l.

kup teraz


That was horribel Dami ._. just horribel

hah :l.

More like a non-hah. I've been getting into soundcloud podcasts... some interesting things are talked about, and in a professionally produced fashion O_o Almost makes me wanna tell some stories, maybe I can out-upload Brandon with audio files..... you hear his last tune? He's gettin better.

There were some neat jams going on in there at points l:

or was it incredi-bel? ;D

or was it :l.... taco-bel :l!!!!!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W9DST-6jIBU there you go! i finally found the right one lol

the meth head mario section of that hour long video was pretty hilarious lol along with the microsoft paint satan skull

i didnt watch the hour long one but the 8 minute one though lol i could never do the s thing either

but the s thing is so easy lol

Still waiting on some Destrayop tunes....

Perhaps today or tomorrow

everyone would always accuse me of drawing them on the desks even though i didnt know how to do it lol "oh she draws pretty ok? must be her! lets just give her lunch detention without believing her or testing her ability to actually draw the fucking thing!!! :D yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyy logic!!"

sucks lol

\/ that happened to me once, and the art teacher was sorry she did, but she had to make an example out of someone.

When the whim takes you, we'll see...

perhaps l:

Do, or do not, as Yoder might say, if Jim Henson wasn't dead. Guess his kid took over as Muppet king a while back.... he did Farscape.

I don't think actions are that black and white l: there's always a try lol

Yeah but 'try' sounds like 'gamble' or 'pitch/throw/shoot'.
The Brits call a gambler/partier/user of prostitutes, a 'punter'. Dunno if that's relevant...

punt or do not punt l: there is no kickoff

Okay enough pun based existentialism |:

Just thinking, if you want a job, tell them you have a kid. Sure way to get hired, even if you are not qualified |: Happened to me quite a bit, it was like a landmine going off in any interview... next time I get asked about married/kids, I'll remind of them of their job to hire the best, not the neediest |:

Haha fuck that, plenty of open jobs out there and I just needa find one. No need to throw all my eggs in one basket with a con like that

True on the con, especially at your age and current lack of desperation. But the real con is, employers play favorites, and they can have the pick of the litter these days. Need ditches dug and have computer problems? Hire the beefy looking network engineer from Turkey, who speaks better English than most kids do.

Eh, I'm projecting the worst. All you gotta do is hope for the best, tell em you won't let them down as a matter of honor, my bro and sis hired folk that said that..

Hmm, maybe so l:

How you doing today? In about 2 hours, I gotta see a dermatologist, give her/him some nightmares....

Just drove around some :l.

Aimless driving around is kinda crappy, you go anywhere specific? Man 322$ for 2 jets of nitrogen, and a talking to. Coulda bought a car with that money.

Nitrogen freezing at the dermatologist eh l:

Nitrous oxide would've been much nicer... do you know how many cans of whipped cream I could've bought with over 300 bucks?!

Quite a lot :l

Damn straight, quite a lot! It's not illegal you know. Then the receptionists had the nerve to act like getting me a cheap mass produced pre-packaged moisturizer packet from a Chinese box, would be such an inconvenience to her busy schedule |:

Sounds like the nerve of the two sassy cashiers at the local taco bell l:

It's worse when older, supposedly more adult ppl, pull that kind of attitude. But in my case, it's lousy ppl covering their lousy bosses, for what they consider to be a lousy paycheck.

Meh :l that's life

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