I found out whats wrong with my computer (fyi i'm on a different one at the moment).
I have a virus.
I don't know HOW I was able to get around it before but I somehow managed to. Its this FBI Cybercrime virus thing. What it does is it locks you out of your computer and says you have to pay this fine and if you don't you'll be locked out of your computer (which I actually am). And that I have to pay $300 to get it unblocked (which is a scam and wont actually unblock it).
Though I'm at the moment trying to find a way to get rid of the virus.
So thats whats going on at the moment.
Woo we're so close to not having any purple in the UJ flashes.
Theres only ONE at the moment!
Now I feel like I'm actually passing judgement on something >:O