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Huh. Listen dis <a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/546290">http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/546290</a> Dio?

Eh, better vague than deceptive I guess. Hope you didn't spend much more than 50 on the pedal

Yeh, not bad. Scouted that dude, don't see how he hasn't been already.

Not much more l:

You got zen overload man. Those miles on the road are one thing, but once you get to a place that isn't moving, all you want to do is sleep and be extra lazy.

All I want to do is sleep and be extra lazy anyway, the road tripping ain't helping with that.

For every week on the road, you need about 2-3 days notmovingthefuckaround time.
How'd the house smell when you got home? Spiders have a field day? Any stalking blob-thing grow out of a long dead rock lobster in teh fridge?

A wolf spider nonchalantly scurried across my hand an hour or two ago :D
Yeah man it attacked the dog, ed, everybody :l had to send it out the airlock :l

Wolf spiders are fast and jump like atom ant lol
So you traded 'being in motion bored', for 'being home bored'... what's next?

Job hunting, song writing, bandmate searching.

Song came to me in my dreams this morning, of a bunch of old riffs that I haven't really used, and organized them in a pretty cool way with some effects that must've made an impression on me in FL studio. Gonna upload that late tonight probably.

Cool story bro. Actually managed to pull notes and riffs from a dream, that's no mean feat...

Ehh, guy I went to HS with just showed up at the house... his mama passed away :( Got a viewing to go to tomorrow morning (rush hour, center of poopy-town) Sucks ass.

Nah it's happened before, but the last time it happened I kind of fucked it up by not getting to a guitar fast enough. It was more organization than creation really though I got a newish melody out of it.

Sucks man. Shame bad news has to travel faster than good l:

Yeah, just talked to him this past Sunday... just glad he got up here from FL in time. His father's an evil bastard... sure to be some drama if he shows up :\ He misses my ma and pa a lot :(

Ahh that's pretty shitty dude. Hope the drama levels are minimal O.o

I noticed I haven't commented here in like a week ._.
I don't know whats up with that >.>

Yeah man :l comment more l:
Just got back from seeing starship troopers with commentary at the movies xD hilarious shit

I haven't seen that movie in a long time o:

Also I really want to learn this song ._.

Oh and I'm seeing Black Sabbath TOMORROW! O: And Geezer Butler said there is a good chance this may be Black Sabbath's last tour :c

Went to wendys with my bud, ordered single baconators and shit, they gave us triples lol

I haven't had a baconator in awhile ._.
Almost forgot what they taste like to be honest.....
(why the hell aren't links working in the comments now?)

Dunno man but I hate copypasting.
They taste like delicious

I'm going to have to take your word on that since I don't know the next time I'm going to be at a Wendy's.

Go for a baconator brah l:

Wow, sounds like Brandon's gonna make some cool new memories, sweet!

Yeah :| Gotta be there sometime after 7am... dunno why she's getting grounded so fast, she wasn't Jewish or anything...

Yeh, sucks about sabbath's last tour though :l

Got a shit ton of coupons for Wendy's... and damnitalltofuckingblazes, I get some money after they played through here. Am very disappoint |:

I missed ozzy and whitesnake in the 80's too, thanks to a buddy's drunken mother :< still got the expensive tickets around somewhere

Shit luck man :l.

I'll think about it ._.
Though I almost always get those cheaper chicken sandwiches off the value menu when I go to Wendy's. Gotta watch my girlish figure. After all swimsuit season is coming up. Hahahaha.

Well ya never know. Geezer might change his mind and they could tour around again. I mean, you see bands like The Rolling Stones, The Who, Paul McCartney, Roger Waters, and so on and so forth touring around and they're older than anyone in Black Sabbath.

Oh yeah totally. Gonna be making some cool memories in the lawn seats at a Black Sabbath concert xD though I suppose it still will be fun. I'm pretty sure I mentioned it to you but I don't know if Nick knows or not but I got a Black Sabbath shirt a couple days ago :3

Triple baconator dude :l. lol

This is true but pink floyd > roger waters with crew

You sure a beaconator's worth it? usually the fast food beacon's all rubbery and not-worthy :|
Usually have to pull it apart, nuke the beacon separately, then it's okay

the broseph over here does it crispy l:

I gotta go 3 towns away, they turned the one by me into a White Castle... they used to be a lot better last century. Still remember when the boss told me to toss all the buns I toasted (at Wendy's), because the machines were getting sold off and it was no longer company policy :(

What a waste l: shoulda kept the toasted buns for yourself :l

That's not the way they do things. You throw food out, not feed the slaves. It's a write-off before it's a handout.


Yup :| They also bought in a computer to tell us when to put burgers on the grill... even in the late 80's that fucker was damn accurate. Had to make burgers, just for the chili, whereas before, it was whatever had sat on the grill a bit too long...

Wendy's is pretty damn good for a major chain :l.

Yeah, used to be way better tho
Erami's on tonite... almost outta hea myself

Man I think I'ma go stir crazy.

Maybe try Road of the Dead, some games here?
I'd suggest a walk, but Gob knows what's in your neighborhood...

Well there's a crazy redneck gun-nut out to get my family, so there's that. Lol

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