Nah, the Predator dude's hangin out in Florida, to be sure... only pissed off critters up by me, are cats and commuters.
Oh hey. Music.
Joined on 3/30/09
Nah, the Predator dude's hangin out in Florida, to be sure... only pissed off critters up by me, are cats and commuters.
To be sure he doesn't go after you next :l?
Did you hear Stoned Jesus' new stuff? ._.
<a href=""></a>
<a href=""></a>
I did not but I will check that out l: expecting awesomeness as always
Apparently the second song isn't exactly "new" they've been playing it live for a few years but never recorded it. And they said they're not going to be recording the first one "slower than it is in the video".
seems legit l:
How goes it? Lazy, hazy, days of Summer doing you right?
It goes weird. Trying to find a job, but being impeded by parents' plans, pretty annoying actually.
Impeded? They/you going on vacation, or is it just a matter of car management?
Vacation l:
Vacations are good! Gives your restless mind some new things to observe... unless they're going on vaca, and leaving you home alone to bounce off the walls.
Now that I look back (14 years ago was my last vaca), I wonder how those lonely places out West could (financially) support the people actually living there...
Not when its 80% driving and 20% standing around in a casino with shitty overpriced buffet food
There's casinos (other than AC) south of me? Shit :| They usually have some pretty good video arcades... you could scamper away, look for trouble outside the casino... sometimes they have some decent floor shows, even for the under 21 crowd.
Bring a copy of "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas", I think I have an electronic version of it around someplace... shit, maybe help a band set up, do a sound check or some shit :\ Gonna nap out like the wuss I am. I'll keep ruminating on your predicament tho... thank Gob for laptops and wifi, eh? Maybe pester the folks for a new game like the last of us or something...
North of ya. Trip is already done and over, I'm back home at the moment l:
Details have been released about the 20th anniversary reissue of In Utero o:
I made a post about it in the Grunge Club.
I might see if I can get the super deluxe edition if I have enough money.
I'm definitely gonna go for that shit. Gotta have this in my library
Fuck holmes... hope the trip didn't kill the car. Huh, you prolly passed within a few miles of me on the blasted Turnpike. Your folks better have walked away with a few bucks at least... AC sucks, but to travel that far to gamble.. :p
Gob, why couldn't they just leave you at home, like my folks did when they went gambling? They afraid you'll sell the silverware and turn their bedroom into a brothel? Odd, my folks trusted me more than my bro and sis...
20th anni... time sucks :| Still got all the original cassettes of Nirvana tho; CD players were still new and pricey... hope they held up well in that hot trailer.
AC? Nah we didn't go to AC, it was a casino in CT
Probably right about that turnpike thing lol
Had dinner.. watched some creeper flick based on a sci-fi slaughterhouse game... Dark somethingorother. Man have you seen what doomroar did to my post?! nietzlawe is really a fantastic guy, he's cray-cray talented like Emily Youcis....
Nah, fuck atlantic city, odds suck. I should know which casino is the shit in CT... but the house always wins, in the end. Just glad you made it through here and back again in one piece!
Only two beatable casino games: Blackjack, and poker.
Jesus, that is a huge wall of text.
Just got a letter (handwritten envelope and real signature inside) from the crazy teen's, car crashing insurance company. A check with some damn big numbers is on it's way to my lawyer, and sooner than expected. Guess I can wipe out that 9.99 red mark on my unfunded savings account.
Really should just cash the whole thing in, and bounce to Mexico... or Belize. Mr. McAfee went down there... he went all <a href=""></a> not long after. Musta found a coke source :|
Congrats on your victory there
You're telling me it is!! Man must have serious coffee fetish at the very least.
Eh, hollow victory. My Pop said I wouldn't get shit, in his most venomous of tones, a few times... would've gotten more and treated sooner, if I didn't make the time to be with him.
Funny, you're totes correct, but my old man hit it on slots twice... he had the luck of a devil, when it suited him. Maybe if (when) things settle down here, I'll take a trip to some casino and drop 300 leave the following morning...
Beware pickpockets and loose women -- I saw that when I was 5 or 6, when my Ma's uncle took me to a bar in town (only happened 2-3 times). Took a bit of asking to find out what that old poster meant. Miss bars like that, festooned with ancient papers and pictures... in my time, I saw the girly pictures taken down, then the place itself (before I was old enough to go back).
My poor young friend, what... what's left of America for you?
Casinos, bars, music venues, and loose women.
Hopefully I'll live to see the mad max-esque dystopian era, as well l:
The juice, the precious juice..... if you got some printer ink that aint doing anything, maybe cruise this (the fema gasifier plans) and print some shit up, put it in your firebox.
Wonder if there's any used cars around with carburetors on em? Can't be many, even the 1989 car I wrecked was fuel injection.. can't see how enough hydrogen could get in, to get the torque up enough..
I'll just travel to australia and assault an oil well :l.
<a href=""> 0785192cadc88c3c96547d</a>
Government legit pdf... or spam
Haha it's intriguing to say the least
Man you have any idea how much it costs to go 1/2 way round the globe, and with luggage to boot? Maybe I should buy a boat and see how much a Canal trip would cost.. you'd think it'd be cheaper if a bunch of little boats waited to get through at the same time... Check out the size of the big ships that do the China SF run compared to Panama class ships!
Oh and Tom got a letter and list of over 500 games Nintendo wants removed :O Almost all Mario in name,
Well shit. Nintendo is a failing company, they've been hemorrhaging money ever since they prematurely killed off the GCube. It's a shame they're playing the corporate copyright prick game.
Been looking at some full tang bowie knife blanks, contemplating picking one up l:
Full tang... minus the handle you mean? Guess sharp steel is always an asset, but what to use it on... could make animal traps, spears n shit. Maybe get some PVC and make a potato gun, stun the critter, then *swish*
Ugh Summer hunting, black flies smell blood miles away
Well yeah it's a blank l: I'd wrap some 550 paracord around the tang
Got a fred bear montana longbow :l shoots pretty damn nicely
Pfft, my sis locked up what guns she could find, and my compound bow (which i haven't used yet) is locked up in teh summerkitchen :| She didn't find Pop's crossbow, but I'm sure I yank on that thing, *twang* Everything's so old here, I hate to chuck most of it.... gotta be a market for old products and packaging! Still got shit without barcodes and price stickers on them
Worse thing is, without info from the auctioneer, I have no idea what to bundle or to chuck...
Find any good YT vids on how to peel critters? One thing that disturbs me... every crappy job I had, I learned awful things from the other employees: many, many ways of 'self defense', buggery, survival, con-jobs, hot-wiring (obsolete now) and scams
The fuck? She locked up your belongings?
I have first-hand experience on peeling dead critters
Oh, that's good! Fucked up a few times learning on my own, but my cousin told me a better way.
Pff, yeah, not intentionally, but, jeez, how anal can she be? She just wants the stuff tossed or auctioned, and a lot of it is unsuitable for auction... but she doesn't trust me to put the money in an envelope :| Damn baby-boomers acting like babies is what it is - goes contrary to how our folks raised us
Seems legitimate :l
Well that's kinda fucked l:
The outside of my house looks like the set of Predator, and I don't want to do anything about it ._.
Destrayop (Updated )
Now you just need the predator hanging out in a tree with his rope of human skulls l: